Anime feature directed by Junichi Fujisaku in which a group of girls set out to solve a murder mystery in the tense future reality they inhabit. With a deadly virus having drastically reduced the worldwide human population, life is tough for Hazuki Makino and her friends. With little to eat beyond synthetic food manufactured from sunflower seeds and human contact discouraged by their elders, the girls are discontented with their life and eager for adventure. When a series of unexplained murders occur Hazuki and the rest of the group begin an amateur investigation that quickly leads them to question the values of their society.Soundtrack: Midnight Television (Lyrics by Tomomi Ogawa and Aiji Hayama)Junichi FujisakuKanae Oki, Hiromi Igarashi, Marina Inoue2010-08-28 (Japan)tt1710994
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