One sunny day, a young boy named Jo-kang meets a curious young girl dressed in a bright yellow raincoat. She tells everyone in school that she is an alien and whomever she touches will be harmed. The quirky Ari loves telling Jo-kang stories, and he believes everything she says and is willing to do anything for her. After he and Ari huddle together beneath her yellow raincoat one rainy day, Jo-kang becomes sick with measles. Soon afterwards, she disappears.Worldwide Gross: $2,233,274Ji-eun KangCho Seung-woo, Kang Hye-jeong, Ju-yeon Byeon2006-04-05 (South Korea)tt0777837
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Views:40 views
Genre: Romance
Quality: DVDRip
Year: 2006
Country:South Korea
Director:Ji-eun Kang